Weeding into the New Year

It’s New Year’s Eve. We’re looking forward to 2025. Once we get there, it’s inevitable we’ll look back to 2024. It’s important to carry with us things that have served as and leave behind what has not served us in 2024.

Take a moment to assess this year - what went right? What were your greatest accomplishments? Make a list of top 5. Think how you achieved them. Put this in the notes section of your phone or on a piece of paper to put in your wallet, so you can easily return to this list when you need some motivation in 2025.

What didn’t serve you in 2024? Maybe there are some habits that we want to leave behind. Think of this as weeding through our habits or behaviors and choosing to discard the ones that have not served us. Write 5 behaviors that did not serve you in 2024.

Switch gears to a more metaphorical concept: weeding through the Garden of 2024. What helped us flourish? Which weeds can we remove so the booming plants don’t die? How can we create more space for new plants to flourish and thrive? Let’s shoot for thriving in 2025. Remove the weeds that did not serve us in 2024 and make space for growth.

Toss the metaphorical weeds into a metaphorical fire. Tear up the list of what didn’t serve us in 2024 and throw it into the garbage (or fire). We’re entering a new phase or year [or insert your metaphor here] at 12 am. Take the day to think about what you really, really want in your life. What can be weeded out to create space for growth and thriving in 2025?


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