1:1 Coaching

1:1 Coaching is the fastest catalyst to change. We’ll collaborate to create a wellness vision, including a blueprint to navigate obstacles and building a supportive environment to help you reach your short- and long-term goals. Book the call, let me know where you’re at in your wellness journey, we’ll make a coaching and/or movement plan.

Send me a note about what you’d like to discuss

Show up with an open mind for 50 minute video chat

Receive a summary of call including goals set, including exercises, to move forward

Not a 1:1 type person? Check out your option below!

  • Thrive Collective

    The Thrive Collective is a safe space for individuals attempting to change habits to live longer, healthier, and happier lives. We work together to elevate the experience of making better health decisions. Thrive by Feliz asks for a three month commitment, as that is roughly how long it takes for habits stick in our daily lives! You can cancel your subscription after three months, or continue with us choose healthier habits!